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Center for Catholic Education

Faith, service & excellence through collaboration and innovation

The UD Center for Catholic Education promotes, enhances, energizes and supports Catholic schools. We are a nationally recognized leader in research and programming for Catholic schools, and we provide educators with programs and services that enhance the Church's mission and foster excellence in Catholic schools.

Our staff delivers programs and services in a Catholic and Marianist spirit — to educate for formation in faith; to provide an integral quality education; to educate in family spirit; to educate for service, justice, and peace; and to educate for adaptation and change.

We are housed within the UD School of Education and Health Sciences and collaborate with colleagues at the university to share resources, talent and research best practices. We readily expand the scope of our service in response to the needs of Catholic education. We adhere to our core values and beliefs, while seeking to improve our connection with those who share our mission, including other areas of UD, the Marianists, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and other universities.

  • 3

    programs operating within the Center (ECHO, Lalanne & Saint Remy Initiative)

  • 230+

    national, community & campus partners

  • 1996

    Center for Catholic Education established

Catholic Education is Our Calling

Our Programs in Action Mission & Vision Affiliations

Opportunities That Matter

Our programs are firmly rooted in our Catholic, Marianist values. UD is focused on community, and by taking part in any of our programs, you'll become a part of a collaborative, welcoming community of learners. Here, you'll find a supportive environment where you can ask questions, gain a well-rounded perspective and use your talents for the greater good.

Explore Programs

We strive to be respected nationally as a primary resource for Catholic Education, and we embody Marianist values to serve and lead Catholic Education through collaboration, research and creative action. Our core values include the Marianist Charism, effective Catholic education, partnerships and collaboration, applied and scholarly research, while our core strengths reflect our passion for Catholic education, partnerships, and innovation. Our mission-critical goals include funding, networking, and research.

The UD Center for Catholic Education works with more than 230 national, community and campus partners to identify and study best practices in Catholic schools, including: Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Family Engagement Collaborative of the Miami Valley, Marianist Province of the U.S., National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA), National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools, North American Center for Marianist Studies, University Consortium for Catholic Education (UCCE), Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley, Hannah’s Treasure Chest, Marianist PULSE Initiative, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), and the United Way of the Greater Dayton Area. Campus partners include the UD Center for Early Learning, Institute for Pastoral Initiatives, Office for Mission and Rector, Forum for Young Catechetical Leaders, and the Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation.

Featured Programs and Initiatives

ECHO (Empowering Children with Hope and Opportunity)

Partnership between the UD Center for Catholic Education and local Catholic schools. Staffed by licensed counselors & social workers, ECHO aids teachers and administrators in helping remove non-academic barriers to learning ­— poverty, exposure to addiction, violence, discrimination, separation or physical and sexual abuse.


Specialized program for teacher education graduates pursuing a master's degree at UD. Lalanne teachers benefit from two years of mentored teaching experience and live in community with other Lalanne teachers. Alumni go on to serve as teachers, administrators, campus ministers and lay parish leaders.

Saint Remy Initiative

Collaboration with the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Creates a spiritual and professional community where Catholic school principals and teachers have an opportunity to strengthen their knowledge and skills in the spiritual, academic, and managerial dimensions of their ministry.

Lumen Fidei Catholic Educator Award

The University of Dayton recognizes "the light of faith" in Catholic school teachers with the Lumen Fidei award for outstanding Catholic teaching in Ohio. It's believed to be the first such statewide award honoring Catholic teachers.

$1.5 million gift supports Center for Catholic Education

The University of Dayton’s Center for Catholic Education received a $1.5 million donation from Peggy and Victor Dubrowski to help prepare the next generation of Catholic educators with a strong Catholic worldview.


Center for Catholic Education

Fitz Hall, Room 652
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 2967


national, community & campus partners