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Alumni Association

Flyers Forever

The University of Dayton's Alumni Association fosters lifelong involvement with the University via alumni programs, activities and services that help you stay connected no matter where you live. University of Dayton graduates automatically become members of the Alumni Association. There are no membership dues. 

UD’s Alumni Association focuses on:

  • Enrollment Connections - actively involving alumni in the student recruitment process.
  • UD Journey: Student to Alumni - serving as a resource for students while on campus and providing lifelong connections, after graduation, through 36  local alumni communities and interest and affinity groups
  • Career Connections - connecting alumni and students to fellow Flyers for professional development, internship and job opportunities.
  • Education for Life - offering educational opportunities that support Flyers in each stage of life: new grad, mid-career or Golden Flyer.

Alumni Leading the Way

President: Sharon White ’78
President-Elect: Nancy Riedl ’91
Treasurer: Leanne Downey ’02, Vice Chair, Community Council

Board Members:
John Cooper ’88, ’92
Destry Fallen ’86
Ken Gawelek ’89, At-Large Rep, Community Council
Jessica Holscott ’97
Addison Hoover ’09
Matt McNamara ’09
Kevin Miskewicz ’09, Chair, Community Council
Veronica Morris ’92
Mark Russell ’80, At-Large Rep, Community Council
Shaq Tensley ’15, Chair, day10 Executive Committee
Megan Winner ’03, ’04
Michelle Puente ’25, President, Students for University Advancement
Anita Brothers, Executive Director, UD Alumni Relations and Engagement

The University of Dayton has a long tradition of honoring its talented and committed alumni around the globe. Our alumni are actively creating change in their communities and inspiring the students who are following in their footsteps.

Learn More

Stay Connected, Stay Informed

Stay up-to-date on campus news and UD alumni by signing up for your personalized UD newsletter, following us on social media, or reading the alumni blog.

Review our FAQ page or contact Alumni Relations at 888-832-5867 or for more information.


Alumni Relations

Daniel J. Curran Place
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 7052
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