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IEP Acceptance, Pre-arrival, Intake, Placement Testing, Arrival, & Orientation

At the University of Dayton Intensive English Program, every effort is made to assure a smooth transition from applicant to new student. We’ve developed a comprehensive process to ease you into starting our Program comfortably and stress free. If at any time you have questions or need assistance with getting started, contact us at

Upon being admitted to the IEP, you must confirm your acceptance. Instructions for how to confirm your acceptance can be found in your admissions letter sent to you from our International Admissions Office. If you do not have your letter, you can follow this link to confirm. 

Upon being admitted to the IEP, you will be contacted by our office to complete the intake process and to make an appointment to take the placement test: all before arriving to campus and in the comfort of your home. All students must complete this pre-arrival process before arriving on campus. If you have any questions about intake and placement testing or if you are due to arrive in Dayton but have not received a communication from us to complete the intake and placement testing process, contact us at or via phone at +1 (937) 229-1510.

IEP Terms and Testing Periods

IEP Term

Testing Period

Spring A      January – March

Mid-November through mid-December

Spring B      March – May

Mid-January through mid-February

Fall A          August – October

Month of July

Fall B          October - December

Month of September

For additional arrival and orientation information (housing, health requirements, insurance, etc.), please follow this link to the New Student Arrival and Orientation web page.

New Student Orientation

On arriving at University of Dayton, new students participate in 2-3 days of orientation designed to acclimate them to their new environment and welcome them to the University. This orientation introduces students to resources useful for their immediate needs and assists them with completing processes needed for starting classes.  

Attendance at Orientation is mandatory for all new students.