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Customer-orientation and flexibility with rapid response
UDRI solves challenging technical issues and tailors solutions to meet specific client needs. As experienced systems integrators, we can support or lead all phases of technology development from requirements definition to preliminary and detailed design, analysis, prototyping, testing, transition, and training.
As a not-for-profit institution and objective third party, UDRI does not manufacture its own products or have a stake in a specific technology solution. We maintain a progressive attitude toward intellectual property rights and publication restrictions.
Customers find it easy to work with UDRI due to our flexible and expedient contracting approach. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.
Contact Our Proposal Team
Along with more than 700 subject matter experts and a national reputation for research, UDRI also offers business development and proposal writing expertise. Forward us your solicitation for a guaranteed response, usually within 24 hours.
For immediate access to members of our proposal and business development team, e-mail us at proposals@udri.shushijia.net.
Multiple Award Schedule (MAS)
The US General Services Administration (GSA) MAS contract vehicle allows federal customers to obtain our professional research services quickly and efficiently.
Contract GS-23F-0143R View MAS Price List (PDF, 172 KB)
Terms and Conditions
The following includes the currently available Standard Terms and Conditions. These terms are for general use with UDRI testing or research services.